May Contain Awesome...

This site is constantly evolving... Please be patient and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

code play blog résumé

One of my favorite tweets

This was before Twitter implemented a "sticky" tweet (note the date - 2013). They called it "pinned", but I like to think that I had a hand in this. You should 💗 this to let Twitter know that this was an AWESOME idea.


CiCi @ Spilled Milk Comics - A science fiction comic book mini-series I published back in mid 2002. The source code for the site is out on GitHub.
Check Out My Stuff - A free library site for YOUR stuff that you want to loan out to people (just cause you can and you're nice). Sometimes I'll blog about code, here's one example.
My home at GitHub... Quite a few helpful open source repositories investigating cool stuff.


My "Giving Back" presentation(s) for the Denver DEV Day 06-23-2017. A sample app to showcase part of Microsoft's UWP Community Toolkit. I blogged about the event in this post.
My previous Denver DEV Day presentation - Entity Framework Core. Officially only presenting THE BASICS instead of intermediate and advanced too.